Taiga Hiiragi, a delinquent, lived a life consumed by daily brawls. One day, Noel, a genius slime reincarnated from another world, appears before him. When Taiga finds himself in a pinch during a fight, Noel uses his intellect to help him out. Then Noel declares to Taiga, “Slimes and Yankees(delinquents) should go to Tokyo University!!” Noel claims he’s here to help Taiga pass the Tokyo University entrance exam, but…?
Slime Blossom: A Reincarnated Genius in a New World
Slime Sakura Blooms in Another World - Revenge Reincarnation Tokyo University Entrance Exam: 0.0001% Pass Rate - Dragon Sakura Authorized,Otherworldly Genius: The Slime Who Came to Ace Tokyo University,Reborn as a Slime: Mission Tokyo University",スライム桜は異世界に咲く-復讐転生東大受験 合格率0.0001%-ドラゴン桜公認action Adventure comedy fantasy Idols josei Magic Martial Arts Mystery Reincarnation Romance School Life